Click here for travel recommendations, food options and live / video on demand game streaming.
Teams staying in Oakville and Burlington
With the Traffic Situation coming into Hamilton/Stoney Creek between 1:30pm and 8:00pm it is better stay in the Hamilton/Stoney Creek area and not go back to your hotel as the travel time back to the Arena’s is unknown from day to day due to traffic flow.
Food options
There are Malls with Food Courts and tons of Restaurants and Fast-Food outlets in the area. Most games are approx. only 4 hours apart.
Eastgate Square (75 Centennial Parkway North) is close to Gateway.
Lime Ridge Mall (999 Upper Wentworth St) is close to Mohawk.
Lookout Lounge restaurant at both Arenas
Gateway (open at 10:30am) and Mohawk (open at 11:00am) will be open all weekend.
Click here for Lookout Lounge menu options.
Gateway: Katie at
[email protected]
Mohawk: Rachel at
[email protected]
Game live and video on demand streaming
Streaming is available on
LiveBarn. LiveBarn provides Live and On Demand online broadcasts of amateur & youth sports from venue locations across the United States & Canada.
Click here to watch video and add “Gateway” and “Mohawk” to your favourites. Live Barn is available on all 4 Rinks at both Mohawk and Gateway. Register with a discount coupon (either one will work for both).

Gateway: 10% discount with promo code: gate-live
Mohawk: 10% discount with promo code: m4ice-live
Tournament Infos
SCGHA Website Official Standings
Schedule, Scores, Standing, Rosters, Players Stats etc. is
available online here.
Ontario Teams can also access the OWHA RAMP Tournament Site through the
OWHA website here.